May 31, 2021
Today is Memorial Day. Jerry and I wanted to honor all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. We are thankful for our freedom. The cost is great, and freedom isn't free for many families.
May 28, 2021
We are talking about stress today. Many of us are under a great deal of stress. How do we separate the things we can control from the things we can't control? How can we focus on the one win in our day instead of using all of our energy on the things we can control?
Are you an emotional lone ranger? What happened...
May 24, 2021
Today I am back with Jerry to speak about marriage.
Getting in good physical shape takes a lot of work. You can read fitness magazines and try osmosis to get physically fit, but nothing will happen until you put action with it.
The same is true in your marriage. You can read all the self-help books on the shelf, but...
May 17, 2021
This week we shared about our garden fiasco last summer.
Bev wanted a box garden, Jerry built her a beautiful box garden but the soil/compost was too strong. Too much manure. So the plants burned up and died.
This year after allowing the soil to cure and doing some amendment with all God provided; the sun and rain we...
May 10, 2021
God designed marriage. Ultimately He wants us to experience being joined to and co-glorified with Christ. Romans 8:17
Today we discuss how putting God first in your marriage is the only way to make it through trials and tribulations.
Satan's main goal is to destroy marriage, family, and you. He wants to bring you to a...