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The Resilient Heart Podcast

Dec 6, 2020

Join us today with Kristina Risinger as she shares her story of grief and loss.  Her story of resilience and finding hope again is one you will not want to miss.

We all go through so many fires in our lives.  As Christians, we are not promised an easy life.

Four years ago,  Kristina and her husband were pregnant with their fourth child when they were given the devastating news their unborn daughter was diagnosed with trisomy 18. They were told this diagnosis was incompatible with life. Kristina and her husband chose not to terminate the pregnancy even though they had been given the option.  Instead, they chose to deal with it in prayer.

God gave them ten months with their daughter Isabella after she was born.

She believes God designates our path and purpose here on earth.  While it may not be comfortable, and it may be something that brings us to our knees. Ultimately God knows what is best for us.

Kristina can be contacted at the following:

The Faith Breathed Hope Podcast on Apple Podcasts

Kristina Risinger on Facebook

Krisitinarisinger_ruach on Instagram